How Cellulite Affects Skin
Skin is composed of multiple layers of tissue. The middle layers contain collagen fibers, blood vessels, and fat. Cellulite results when the skin is not at peak health and the fat within the skin layers becomes disorganized and bulges out or clumps.
Exercise helps reduce cellulite in a limited way, by helping with overall weight loss and creating a smoother layer of muscle under the skin. However, exercise alone does not eliminate problem cellulite, because the problem is the condition of the skin tissue, and is unrelated to fitness level.
Exercise helps reduce cellulite in a limited way, by helping with overall weight loss and creating a smoother layer of muscle under the skin. However, exercise alone does not eliminate problem cellulite, because the problem is the condition of the skin tissue, and is unrelated to fitness level.
How the Dimple Eraser Works
The body's muscles and organs are able to use the body's circulatory system, veins and arteries to remove toxins and hydrate tissue. The heart pumps blood throughout the body to feed tissue, and muscle contractions help the circulatory system carry away waste.
However, the circulatory structures in the skin are not larger veins or arteries affected by heart or muscle contractions, but are smaller capillaries which rely solely on passive force, unless they are aided. Thus, the surface levels of the skin do not have direct access to active circulation flow, and that's why manual manipulation of the skin to create micro-circulation in the surface tissues is essential to ensure that they receive the nutrients, moisture, and cleansing that the skin needs to look and feel its best.
The Dimple Eraser method works by stimulating circulation in the skin layers, removing toxins and supplying nutrients and moisture for healthier appearing skin.
However, the circulatory structures in the skin are not larger veins or arteries affected by heart or muscle contractions, but are smaller capillaries which rely solely on passive force, unless they are aided. Thus, the surface levels of the skin do not have direct access to active circulation flow, and that's why manual manipulation of the skin to create micro-circulation in the surface tissues is essential to ensure that they receive the nutrients, moisture, and cleansing that the skin needs to look and feel its best.
The Dimple Eraser method works by stimulating circulation in the skin layers, removing toxins and supplying nutrients and moisture for healthier appearing skin.
Why Cellulite Affects Women More than Men
Men have collagen fibers arranged in horizontal nets rather than vertical solitary fibers in women's skin.
This single file vertical structuring is what allows dermal fat to become disorganized, and is accentuated by women having thinner skin than men, letting the disorganized fat show through.
Notice how the diagram illustrates the lattice-like structure of collagen fibers under male skin, compared to the vertical structure under female skin, which contributes to the appearance of cellulite.
For ease of illustration, imagine two bed comforters. One is covered in thicker fabric, and is quilted in a crosshatch pattern. This comforter will appear smoother and flatter than a comforter sewn from thinner material with only vertical stitching. Over the years, the filling in the second comforter will appear bumpier and less smooth. This is why a woman's thinner skin and collagen structure are more prone to show lumps and bumps.
The Dimple Eraser method helps both men and women. Everyone benefits from increased circulation, whether or not cellulite is visible under the skin.
This single file vertical structuring is what allows dermal fat to become disorganized, and is accentuated by women having thinner skin than men, letting the disorganized fat show through.
Notice how the diagram illustrates the lattice-like structure of collagen fibers under male skin, compared to the vertical structure under female skin, which contributes to the appearance of cellulite.
For ease of illustration, imagine two bed comforters. One is covered in thicker fabric, and is quilted in a crosshatch pattern. This comforter will appear smoother and flatter than a comforter sewn from thinner material with only vertical stitching. Over the years, the filling in the second comforter will appear bumpier and less smooth. This is why a woman's thinner skin and collagen structure are more prone to show lumps and bumps.
The Dimple Eraser method helps both men and women. Everyone benefits from increased circulation, whether or not cellulite is visible under the skin.